In 1992, City leaders believed that the Woodland community would benefit greatly by having a forum to air and view local events and issues facing its citizens, so they forged a PEG (Public, Educational, and Government) station with the incoming cable service. 

Since then, and with upgrades in technology to a digital format, Woodland TV has moved to providing 24-7 on-air programming.  WTV has digitized hundreds of hours of old VHS and DVD format programs, which were the mainstay of our previous on-air programming, and have now included that historic programming in our current library.  Additionally, WTV supplements local on-air programming by utilizing programming from other PEG stations across the US, which enables WTV Channel 21 to air at least 2 first run programs daily.

Woodland TV is a non-profit corporation whose primary purpose is to empower individuals, organizations and groups within Woodland to produce and/or present their own non-commercial cable programs. Local programming reflecting the full and diverse range of Woodland residents, their perspectives, concerns and interests is encouraged.  Woodland TV coordinates training, production, playback and promotional activities to achieve their efforts. 

Woodland TV also maintains an on-air community bulletin board that plays between all shows which includes: slides or short videos of local non-commercial events, organizations, and programs that the community may benefit from. 

Contact Woodland TV to post a community bulletin board event or if you're interested in getting involved with your local public access TV station.  Currently there are several very devoted public access volunteers who serve the community by giving hundreds of hours of their time to bring local events to the airwaves.  We provide training to all levels of volunteers.


Woodland TV provides the opportunity for our community to speak and share freely through public access media.


Expand community and regional programming:

- A primary goal is to provide quality local community programming to our viewers. There are numerous interesting events which occur in Woodland and WTV is committed to providing video coverage to as many as possible. To achieve this, we need to increase the number of volunteers, active board members and part-time staff to enable coverage of these events. WTV is also looking to expand our interface with citizen journalists through their local podcasts and YouTube channels which we could share on-line and on-air. We are interested in recruiting teens, seniors and interested community members to help us in this venture and provide fresh perspectives to the community.

Continue community outreach through collaborative efforts:

- Increase partnerships and collaborations with other nonprofits, local government and residents of Woodland and to provide these individuals and organizations the necessary resources and support to produce programming and/or announcements to the community. Bulletin board announcements & Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for local nonprofit and community service organizations is made available on-air free of charge for special and fundraising events.



Community Improvement,Capacity Building


$50,001 - $100,000


Funding: Unrestricted, Volunteers, Funding: Program, Technology


Seniors, Youth & Children, General population



For more information about Woodland TV, please visit our complete profile by clicking on the link below.  Donations are accepted year round.  WTV appreciates your support.